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FRiEQ FR-CMF2 Gold Plated 3.5mm Male to Female Auxiliary Stereo Audio Cable for Apple iPad
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Windows Media Player Error - Fix Windows Media Player Error Codes and Problems

Windows Media Player Error - Fix Windows Media Player Error Codes and Problems


Do you got a Windows Media Player error when you start it up? Want to get rid of these problems? You get these error codes because there's either a broken file, or there's a missing file. But, how to fix these problems?

Windows Media Player Error - Fix Windows Media Player Error Codes and Problems

Media Plus

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 2.45 Mins.

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer. Uploaded by starcraft on Oct 20, 2011. Since we originally unveiled Heart of the Swarm back in May, we've continued working in secret, laboring in the dark recesses of Blizzard's sheetrock-lined offices on the dank and gloomy coast of Southern California. We're proud to present additional fruits of that labor in this new teaser cinematic of footage rendered entirely within the StarCraft II game engine. Learn more about the first StarCraft II expansion, Heart of ...

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer

No URL StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society


In the late 20th century, many celebrities and socialites have decided to go under cosmetic surgery procedures such as Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, and Michael Jackson. Whether this was pressure from being scrutinized under the public eye or living up to the high standards as role models to a generation, this led to being one of the many factors spurring a huge increase in the traffic for plastic surgery for people of all types.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

Media Plus

WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official cine Full Song Video from the cine '3' accomplishment Dhanush exclusive

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 4.17 Mins.

WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official cine Full Song Video from the cine '3' accomplishment Dhanush exclusive

WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official Movie Full Song Video from the movie '3' feat Dhanush exclusive. Uploaded by sonymusicindiaSME on Apr 10, 2012. The official video of the super hit song 'Why This Kolaveri Di'. To set the song as your caller tune: Airtel subscribers Dial 5432111316693 Vodafone subscribers Dial 5372626264 Reliance Mobile subscribers Dial 595003775 Idea subscribers sms DT 2626264 to 55456 Aircel subscribers sms DT 1402201 to 53000 Tata Indicom subscribers sms ...

WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official cine Full Song Video from the cine '3' accomplishment Dhanush exclusive

WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official cine Full Song Video from the cine '3' accomplishment Dhanush exclusive

WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official cine Full Song Video from the cine '3' accomplishment Dhanush exclusive

WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official cine Full Song Video from the cine '3' accomplishment Dhanush exclusive

No URL WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official cine Full Song Video from the cine '3' accomplishment Dhanush exclusive

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media


Your engines oil filter is critically important to the life of your engine. The oil filters job is to capture and hold contaminants and other wear causing particles suspended in the engine oil and thus prevent abrasive wear that will shorten your engines service life.

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media

Media Plus

OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 3.80 Mins.

OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

Download the Song: Get a free song from IZ: Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole's Platinum selling hit...

OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

No URL OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

Media: Who Watches the Watchdogs?


In South Africa, a proposal has been made to establish an external media regulatory framework to bolster the country's self regulatory mechanism. The ruling party has at its latest conference, proposed the creation of a Media Appeals Tribunal. The proposal has been met with fierce resistance from the majority of media houses and some within civil society. I want to argue that the resistance borders on hysteria and is misplaced, if not simply mischievous.

Media: Who Watches the Watchdogs?

Media Plus

Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 2.17 Mins.

Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen

FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: http://www.faceboo...

Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen

Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen

Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen

Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen

No URL Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen

FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: http://www.faceboo...


The bulk of the anti-media appeals tribunal brigade's analyses seem to advance a notion that external media regulation is in itself a threat to the right to press freedom as well as individuals' right to freedom of expression. Their mantra seems to be that once media's self regulation is complemented by an external regulatory framework, it will threaten press freedom. They also pontificate that any external regulation is also a threat to individual's right to freedom of expression. These analyses seem inflated, if not confuted to me. The real question that the media ought to interrogate is who watches over the watchdogs? In my view it ought to an external body that is democratically constituted such as the proposed Media Appeals Tribunal.

Media Plus

Media: Who Watches the Watchdogs?

Why We Need an External Media Appeals Tribunal?

Media: Who Watches the Watchdogs?

•To countenance the power of the media that is essentially an independent capitalist enterprise yet it performs a public function.
•To promote accountability, fair and truthful reporting, and guard against the hijacking of this important enterprise by people with vested self-interest i.e. anonymous sources, untrustworthy politicians, unscrupulous journalists and editors.
•To complement the existing self-regulatory regime that is currently viewed as ineffective and toothless - what with page 'two' apologies?
•To promote ethical reporting and respect for people's right to privacy and their inherent dignity.

Powers of the Media Appeals Tribunal

Instead of hysteria, let us have a conversation about the modalities of the Media Appeal Tribunal. At the outset, the Tribunal ought not to have powers to throw journalists into jail. Frankly such powers belong to the judiciary. However, it must have the power to subpoena journalists to testify before it in cases of any alleged breaches of the press code of conduct. In the nutshell the Tribunal shall:

•Have power the slap fines on media houses and in rare cases journalists for malicious reporting. Fines should not reasonable and justifiable. Perhaps a miniature percent of the media house's annual profit.
•Have the power to order front page apologies in cases of gross untruthful reporting.

Tribunal Composition, Funding and Functions

The Tribunal shall be chaired by a retired judge appointed by the President of the Republic. The Judge shall be a man or woman of sober habits, with an unblemished record of advancing and defending human rights and knowledge of media law. The President shall appoint such a judge on the list submitted by Parliament or the Judicial Services Commission. At least 50% members shall be drawn from a list submitted by a collective of media houses. The remainder shall be appointed from a list submitted by civil society organisations and members of the public. It shall report annually to Parliament. It shall be funded jointly on 50-50 basis by media houses and the taxpayers through funds appropriation in the national budget. It may conduct regular research, surveys, and training in-order to advance ethical reporting. The Tribunal may also investigate controversial stories even if no complain is laid before it. Appropriate sanctions shall be dished-out to all deserving transgressors. Persons unhappy with the Tribunal ruling shall reserve the right to approach the courts for a review.

In conclusion, I want to argue that media houses shall have a register of anonymous sources. Only the journalist concerned, editor and Chairperson of the Tribunal shall have access to the register. This will go a long way in minimizing defective stories that appears in the press regularly masquerading as investigative journalism. No amount of falsehood will deter some of us in advocating for an external regulatory framework. It cannot be that the media continues to be the only institution that is allowed to play referee and player simultaneously. This type of regulatory environment already exists for the health professionals and the legal fraternity.

Media: Who Watches the Watchdogs?

Download the Song: Get a free song from IZ: Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole's Platinum selling hit...


But just how well does an oil filter"s media work at removing contaminants from the oil?

Media Plus

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media

For many years treated paper (cellulose) has been stuffed inside the oil filters can or cartridge in a pleated form to allow as much surface area as possible inside the confines of any given sized filter.

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media

When talking about filtration there are two main things to consider. Efficiency, meaning how small of particles can the media capture and capacity, how much contaminants the filter media can hold before the media starts becoming loaded and flow is reduced to an un-satisfactory level.

Some years ago various companies started blending treated paper with a synthetic glass fiber and this improved particle efficiency considerably over just plain paper.

So just how efficient do we want the oil filter to be? In a perfect world it would of course be desirable for the oil filter to capture 100% of all contaminants of all sizes down to the most infinitesimally tiny.

Being that this is obviously not possible from an engineering standpoint what particles are the most important to catch to provide the best real world wear protection?

Many studies done in the industry have shown that the most damaging contaminants are found in the 5 micron to 20-micron size range. (A micron is one millionth of a meter. For reference a red blood cell averages about 8 microns.... we're talking really small here!) Particles smaller than 5 microns do have an effect on wear but to a much smaller degree.

As per ISO 4548-12 a widely accepted multi pass industry filter efficiency test, typical pleated paper oil filters average about 40% efficiency at 15 microns, meaning on multiple passes through the filter it caught about 40% of all the contaminants in the 15 micron size range.

On the same ISO test, oil filters using a paper/glass fiber blend caught an average of 80% of all particles in the 15 micron size range; a big increase in efficiency!

A few years ago though, an all new oil filter media was introduced to the automotive and light truck market. Using a space age synthetic NANO fiber this state of the art filter offers a level of efficiency not seen before in automotive oil filters.

On the ISO 4548-12 test this new space age filter media has proven to be 98.7% efficient at 15 microns. An order of magnitude better efficiency. It also has proven to be extremely efficient to below the 5-micron threshold that is most critical to preventing engine wear.

But what about that other really important feature of oil filter performance: dirt-holding capacity? How much contaminant the oil filter can hold before its full and oil flow is reduced to an un-satisfactory level.

Cellulose filters are limited in capacity by the very paper that makes up their filter media. Paper tends to have a hodge podge of varying size fibers and filaments that make up the small pores that the oil flows through.

Testing has shown that as much as 40% of the media in a cellulose filter passes nothing and is completely blocked severely reducing the capacity of the oil filter and the number of miles that it can be used.

Synthetic NANO fiber filters on the other hand have filaments that are very much smaller and are uniform in size and shape and 100% of the oil filters media is 100% flowable. This give the synthetic NANO fiber oil filter not only a 90% plus reduction in oil contaminants but the capacity to last 2 to 5 times longer in service.

But what do these numbers mean in the real world of motor oil cleanliness?

I recently performed an impromptu filter test on a friends 1998 Toyota Avalon just for the sake of my own curiosity.

At 81,000 miles my friend changed the oil on his car using a common brand of petroleum oil and an OEM filter. At 2000 miles I pulled a sample and had the particle count read using an industry standard pore blockage particle test.

We then installed a synthetic NANO fiber oil filter on the Toyota and after an additional 2000 miles pulled another sample and had it tested for particle count by the same pore block method, and by the same lab. The Results were astonishing!

OEM oil filter................................................................. NANO Fiber Oil filter
@ 4 Microns = 1,864 particles.............................................. 121 particles
@ 6 microns = 1,002 particles............................................... 70 particles
@14 microns = 173 particles.................................................. 9 particles
@ 25 microns = 37 particles................................................ 2 particles
@ 50 microns = 5 particles.....................................................0 particles
@100 microns = 0 particles.................................................... 0 particles

As is obvious from this test, the synthetic NANO fiber oil filter reduced the oils sub 25-micron particle count by more than 90% and maintained that percentage of reduction below the critical 5-micron range where as the cellulose filter showed increasingly higher particle counts below 25-microns indicating much higher levels of abrasive contamination.

Significantly a sample of the oil taken "new-from- the-bottle" had an ISO cleanliness rating of 18/16/14. ISO rates an oils cleanliness at 4-6-and 14 microns meaning out of the bottle the oil showed 18 particles in the 4 micron range, 16 particles in the 6 micron range and 14 particles in the 14 micron range.

After having been used in the Toyota for 4000 miles, the last 2000 with the synthetic NANO fiber oil filter, its ISO cleanliness rating tested 14/12/10 meaning the oil was cleaner after 4000 miles of use and being filtered through the NANO fiber oil filter than it was brand new in the bottle!

Do not construe this as saying that brand new motor oils are dirty. They are not, although all new motor oils contain some minuscule contaminants and some brands are much cleaner than others.

While this test I performed might be lacking in complete scientific controls for testing and it was performed on only one vehicle the results are consistent with those of hundreds of other well controlled industry studies and I believe the results would be easy for anyone in the oil/filter industry to duplicate.

SAE papers published by Cummins, Detroit Diesel and other engine makers have shown conclusively that reducing particles in the 5 to 25 micron range significantly reduces wear and can extend the engines life by 25% or more.

There are other advantages of the synthetic NANO fiber oil filter over its cellulose and cellulose/ glass fiber cousins. In subzero temperatures a cellulose filter can be completely blocked because condensation (water) in the oil freezes and expands inside of the filter medias fibers and blocks oil flow. The synthetic NANO media is not affected by condensation and freezing temperatures making it well suited to use in cold climates.

The NANO Fiber oil filter also can increase the life expectancy of the engines oil. Particulates in the oil are catalysts for oxidation so having a filter capable of removing most particulate matter will slow oxidation, help maintain the oils acid fighting abilities (TBN levels) and significantly extend the life of the motor oil.

The synthetic NANO fiber oil filter really offers it all when talking automotive filtration. Second to none contaminant removal and 3 to 5 times more capacity and service life making it a very cost effective purchase.

Amsoil Inc introduced the first fully synthetic motor oil to meet American Petroleum Institute requirements in 1972. Today Amsoil is considered the world leader in synthetic lubrication and high tech automotive filtration.

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media

WHY THIS KOLAVERI DI - Official Movie Full Song Video from the movie '3' feat Dhanush exclusive. Uploaded by sonymusicindiaSME on Apr 10, 2012. The official video of the super hit song 'Why This Kolaveri Di'. To set the song as your caller tune: Airtel subscribers Dial 5432111316693 Vodafone subscribers Dial 5372626264 Reliance Mobile subscribers Dial 595003775 Idea subscribers sms DT 2626264 to 55456 Aircel subscribers sms DT 1402201 to 53000 Tata Indicom subscribers sms ...


There are many other factors, inspiring souls to under-go the knife, for the addition of this multi-billionaire dollar industry include a preoccupation with a negative body image, body dysmoprhic disorder, and the media's portrayal of beauty, most notably seen in the early 21st Century.

Media Plus

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

For the latter factor a large increase in cosmetic surgery awareness was greatly induced by a television show on MTV known as "I want a Famous Face". Where many individuals apply to the MTV network by sending in videos for a chance to win the opportunity of being featured on the MTV Special. These individuals aspired to have similar aesthetic appeal to such celebrity faces including the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Ricky Martin, and Janet Jackson.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

This reveals that to a large extent for a media pressure for cosmetic surgery. However there is also much social pressure as well. There are those desiring or deciding in plastic surgery between a large variety of options, including those of the buttocks, thighs, facial, nose, and breasts.

The social effect is due to men for a multitude of reasons. More aesthetically pleasing females or women who have had plastic surgery helps them excel in the work force (in the sense they land promotions and earn higher wages... beauty, artificial or natural does not have statistical correlations with work ethic or intelligence) and this has been proven by statistical research.

The following may sound misogynistic but is backed by statistical research. The more work done means more expenditure, many females who have plastic surgery are dependent on men for the finance of their procedures (the cipher in effect here relates to prior paragraph's motif about higher earnings which men is at the root of which).

Also plastic surgery is somewhat of a recurring cycle due to both psychological factors and that of the science of plastic surgery itself.

Psychological factors being that related to new surge in the media dubbed 'cosmetic surgery addiction'. The science of it being is where many procedures require check ups and additional surgeries to maintain a more consistent youthful effect of appearance, such as in procedures like collagen injections, botox and face lifts.

Two revealings in the media of cosmetics, premier episodes of MTV's "I want a Famous Face", (these episodes can be found in the links below under the media page) included individuals seeking to accomplish a similar appearance akin to that of Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Preview Trailer. Uploaded by starcraft on Oct 20, 2011. Since we originally unveiled Heart of the Swarm back in May, we've continued working in secret, laboring in the dark recesses of Blizzard's sheetrock-lined offices on the dank and gloomy coast of Southern California. We're proud to present additional fruits of that labor in this new teaser cinematic of footage rendered entirely within the StarCraft II game engine. Learn more about the first StarCraft II expansion, Heart of ...


How To Fix The Windows Media Player Error Codes And Problems?

Media Plus

Windows Media Player Error - Fix Windows Media Player Error Codes and Problems

To get problems like this fixed, you need to get back the missing files or you need to repair the broken files. To do this, you should get a recovery and repair program. Why? Because such a tool that will scan your computer and it will recover missing files but it will also repair the problems and corrupt files that will be found.

Windows Media Player Error - Fix Windows Media Player Error Codes and Problems

How Will A Recovery And Repair Program Fix The Error Code?

It will do this by a simple automated process. It basically works like this: You start up the program and you start scanning your computer. While your computer is being scanned, the program will find errors. This can either be missing files, broken or corrupt files.

Once the scan is done, you will get a list of problems. From there, you can choose what files to remove, and what files to clean or repair. Once you've repaired the broken or replaced the missing files by using this program, you will notice that Media Player will work properly again.

Will This Recovery And Repair Program Harm Or Wreck My Computer?

No, it won't harm your computer in any way. In fact, it will even allow you to backup your computer files to prevent any further problems. Also, it won't only find Windows Media Player errors, but also a lot of other errors that you didn't noticed. This way your computer will be running faster also.

Windows Media Player Error - Fix Windows Media Player Error Codes and Problems

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