FRiEQ FR-CMF2 Gold Plated 3.5mm Male to Female Auxiliary Stereo Audio Cable for Apple iPad

Zoom Media Plus FRiEQ FR-CMF2 Gold Plated 3.5mm Male to Female Auxiliary Stereo Audio Cable for Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Samsung Galaxy, Android & MP3 Players, Light Blue/Yellow, 4 Feet
FRiEQ FR-CMF2 Gold Plated 3.5mm Male to Female Auxiliary Stereo Audio Cable for Apple iPad
FRiEQ FR-CMF2 Gold Plated 3.5mm Male to Female Auxiliary Stereo Audio Cable for Apple iPad
FRiEQ FR-CMF2 Gold Plated 3.5mm Male to Female Auxiliary Stereo Audio Cable for Apple iPad

Monday, May 13, 2013

Ideas for Mixed Media and Altered Art Projects

Ideas for Mixed Media and Altered Art Projects


As more craft instruction moves to the Internet, it is getting easier to find a wide range of ideas for mixed media and altered art projects. Mixed media and "altered art" are often considered buzzwords for craft techniques that bridge the gap between crafting and fine art. In fact, many craft artists regularly show their altered art pieces in galleries and fine art shows.

Ideas for Mixed Media and Altered Art Projects

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Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2

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Tube. Duration : 1.68 Mins.

Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2

DOWNLOAD this SONG: NEW vader hitler shirts: Tweet this Vid-ee-oh! Beat By: Vandali...

Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2

Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2

Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2

Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2

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How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away Plus How to Build a Very Cosy (Free) Pet Bed


How the big four commands save lives

How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away Plus How to Build a Very Cosy (Free) Pet Bed

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Mario Bros vs Wright Bros. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 1.77 Mins.

Mario Bros vs Wright Bros. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2

Download this song: Click to tweet this vid-ee-oh! This. Is. Merchandise: Hi. My ...

Mario Bros vs Wright Bros. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2

Mario Bros vs Wright Bros. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2

Mario Bros vs Wright Bros. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2

Mario Bros vs Wright Bros. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2

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Download this song: Click to tweet this vid-ee-oh! This. Is. Merchandise: Hi. My ...


According to the National Health Service and media reports, over 4,500 incidents a year in the U.K. involve dogs and people, with children being the biggest victim group.. You are more likely to be bitten by a dog than win the lottery!

Media Plus

How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away Plus How to Build a Very Cosy (Free) Pet Bed

One incident is an unwelcome statistic but until you accept that your pet dog runs away because you let it these incidents are going to continue to occur. There are 5 basic steps, 4 big commands and 3 essential pieces of equipment which you need to learn how to use effectively to gain control and to build discipline into your dog. This guide explains how to do this and how to stop your dog running away. A collar and lead are working instruments of control, just the same as holding your child's hand. Mobile phones are another safety device we use with our children to maintain contact and for a much safer and secure environment. Our dogs are no less important and are at a higher statistical risk than our children. Your voice alone is not going to be enough. Whistling is hard work and it assumes your dog finds the whistle more compelling than what is at the end of its nose. You must start to appreciate that stopping your pet running away is a skill to be learned and developed on an on going basis, and like people, the input of patience and unconditional love, will very likely be paid back. The probability is that if your children are model children then your dog probably will be too, but that doesn't mean it is going to be easy to train, it just means you probably have the mindset and determination to keep your dog safe and disciplined. I admit this article may be a bit controversial but the techniques work and will not harm or hurt your dog. Neglect and ignorance is a much bigger killer. If you want to stop your dog running away there are 3 things your must achieve:

How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away Plus How to Build a Very Cosy (Free) Pet Bed

Instant response Your dog's whole and undivided attention Complete obedience

You need to understand that there are 3 reasons why your dog will run away:-

Sex Cruelty Owner mismanagement

All three of the reasons as stated above can get your dog killed or seriously injured. If you then overlay lack of success with the 3 disciplinary aspects you have serious issues to deal with and you need to correct this quickly or risk your dog causing death or serious injury. The end result will be the loss of your pet by lethal injection, gunshot or fatal injuries. If minors are involved and they are your own family it will destroy not only your life but that of your entire family. This is how I see it anyway and it is this that motivates me to get it right. Your pet running off is not to be taken lightly. I propose to examine a few simple helpful hints that might make your life more bearable and improve your relationship with the animal at a level you can both appreciate and work on to good effect. I am going to ignore the first two reasons that cause running away. If you need guidance to deal with them please give your dog to a loving home, this article is not for you. Your dog is born with senses which once engaged are so compelling that you pale into insignificance the minute they are engaged. You don't need to be a dog whisperer to understand this, but you can see it for yourself the minute you call your dog back. It is not a great moment when your dog embarrasses you for your inability to handle it. I think one year in a dog's life is about 6.5 of our years, so by the end of year one your dog should be starting to make out sounds, short sentence structures and words. The four most important commands in order are:

sit heal down stay

Dogs are quick learners. Not only do they know your mood, they take everything right to the edge all the time and they are also very persistent. The sooner you start teaching them the better, try to make it fun without finishing up with a fat dog. Remember your children should not be force fed a big McDonalds every time they get their table manners right and The National Hedgehog Road Skills award has never been won by a hedgehog. A lead is the equivalent of your child's hand. You communicate through it just the same way. You would not let your child pull you off your feet, especially on a main road, so use the same discipline with your dog.

Step 1. It is always your fault

I really don't think that Springer Spaniels with their long floppy ears can hear you properly over 30 metres away unless you really shout which makes you look in control doesn't it. When I was younger I had a liver and white springer 'Bramble'. He never knew to this day what hit him when he was busy rounding up sheep. I would have been able to play for the British Lions with a rugby tackle like that, the dog went flying, not in the least bit hurt, just caught in the act. He yelped just with fright, but never chased sheep again and after this incident if he could hear me he responded instantly to all the big 4 commands.

Step 2. How to stop your dog pulling you off your feet.

A sharp and very hard tug on the lead pulling your dog back behind you will do the trick. After the second or third time they will desist. This is obviously easier to do when your St. Bernard is a puppy, which is why i say start straight away. Bad habits are developed by the owners not the dogs. Never allow your dog to pull. Start by holding your dog's hand (the lead) and work firmly in a disciplined and in a fair way, and reward good performance and discipline and work on behaviour that falls short. Little and often is good and a routine is helpful. The thing that really gets results is patience. You would not take your child out into a distracting environment to teach them so don't do it to your dog either. Get the dog's attention and eye contact and progress will improve. If you are having trouble getting the dog's attention increase the treat value e.g. fillet steak. This is about hearts and minds and developing absolute trust. The time to use treats is at the outset of teaching the command. Once the dog understands what is required of it, a pat on the head and some encouraging words is sufficient.

Step 3. How to slow your dog down to your speed

How many of you would not hold on to your 6 year old child's hand in the city centre? Would you expect your six year old to speak fluent Russian? No, so don't expect your dog to understand what sounds the same to them. Use the lead to build confidence and lots of patience. By the time your dog is six months old they will be getting more biddable, more curious and more determined but up to the first year you can never be certain. However you are desperate to give your dog the freedom of that run about. A game keeper taught me a very good tactic called hobbling. Your dog's collar should always allow you to get three fingers under it, if you can't it is too tight. Simply stick your dog's front paw through the collar, it looks cruel, its not and you can catch a dog on three legs, it puts the odds in your favour, so you now have the opportunity to train your dog to stay close to you, or get it back safely. Don't use a retractable lead it encourages your dog to pull. Dogs on retractable leads are not properly trained (such a statement could be highly controversial but I would presume that those owners won't be reading this type of article so there won't be anyone to offend!)

Step 4. Timing - how long does it take to train my dog? I think 300 hours gets a basic job done before your dog will specialise into say rescue, field sports, or social human tasks like police or military work. It takes a good year to settle and train a dog. If you get the big 4 commands in quickly and early the dog will start to perform well but it will take at least a year so be patient and persist. Practice all the time - practice makes perfect. ( it also helps you lose weight!). I now have a black and white Springer Spaniel and she was terrible for running off. This was my fault. On dark evenings I only needed to get distracted for a second and the dog was gone. There I am in the dark and pouring rain, shouting my head off and the dog is in the next county. Twenty anxious minutes later I get a ball of mud back! Never be cross with a returning dog, it is after the fact and they may misinterpret you, causing trauma and confusion. Simply make a note to self to set up a training session in a controlled environment to fix the problem whilst kicking your own bottom and not the dogs!

Step 5. How to stop your dog running away

You spend hours and hours working with them, you teach the big 4 commands and when they are over six months old and really understand the commands then you have to bring discipline to bear or face the possibility of an unthinkable incident. I have tried whistles, chasing after her and just leaving her, none of which are satisfactory and just exposes the dog to danger. If I can't control the dog at both short and long range she is useless in the field other than as a pet. So how do I stop my pet from running away. A game keeper suggested an electric collar. I dismissed it out of hand as being cruel, but it is not as cruel as watching your dog in agony pinned down under a car wheel. I decided to try an electric collar but resolved to be kind and fair. It has transformed the dog without any cruelty at all and this is how it works: First and only after 6 months minimally, and only when the big 4 commands are in place can you use one. My collar has an audible alarm which the dog can hear even when she can't hear or see me. She quickly learned to respond to this bleep, it means only one thing 'Heal'. Since wild life has hearing and great vision too, we get to see lots of it when we are out now because we are quiet, the dog is under control at all times and above all is safe. Your dog and especially Springer Spaniels will want to do as you ask. You must be there at the time of any incident which demands attention or arresting and a bleeper really is on the spot and instant. If the dog doesn't respond there are 8 settings to 'tweak your dog's ear', building up to a shock. All of these are much gentler than rough handling or hitting the dog. All of them hurt a lot less than impact with an HGV. I must stress that if you don't have the big four commands in place and a confident dog you should not deploy such a device, just keep your dog on a lead. The collar is only for the dog's protection and control and the charge, which is about the same as a static shock from a door handle, does not cause the dog much discomfort, but it lets her know I want her attention when all else fails which is pretty rare these days. I don't know how the shepherds do it but they have my admiration. I don't need my little dog to achieve those levels. We have lots of fun together and she adores my two girls, mind you she adores everyone including the postman! I think that patience is the secret and then it's a matter of time.. She also has a special settee in our garden room (but never assumes this right in the house), and a dog house made out of straw bales which she loves as it is very warm. She also knows where the edge is, and pushes it like crazy, but she is safe and well behaved and under control at all times because she can hear me and every day that goes by her knowledge of language and disciplined procedure improves. I think I will always use an electric collar now, it is a safety device which makes me much less apprehensive about the dog's behaviour because I can focus on expanding the dog's comprehension of commands, so her behaviour continues to improve and she plays an even bigger and much more enjoyable part in day to day activities. If you don't want your pet to run off get to grips with the collar, lead, teaching, rewarding and discipline and be heard - the best way to do that quietly is with a bleeping collar - really it works. I think these new devices are the dog equivalent of a 2 way radio. No soldier goes into combat without one. I think they are here to stay and used responsibly will transform your life and make teaching your dog a real joy and with much less stress. Remember it is your finger on the button and you decide whether you are a dog trainer or a dog breaker - I know which I am.

How long does it take to teach your dog the big 4 Commands?

It takes about 20 minutes armed with some really 'must have' treats, and then repeat the training a day or so later for a few minutes until you see it work immediately. I use mackerel fillets but anything other than chocolate will do the trick. For every minute of training you need an hour of practice to get the command working consistently and then three or four times longer to get them all working together. You will pay for gaps in your routine and you will be able to notice when others have handled your dog. Dogs will always push to the limit to see what they can get away with so you have to be that limit and you can't always do that by being nice and feeding the dog treats. Never break your dog by cruelty and bullying to get the obedience you want, a broken dog does not work properly and anyone who has trained a dog will spot a broken dog a mile off, you can't hide it and you can't repair the damage.

A command should be instant, it is useless if it is not and may get you, your children, the dog or some poor unsuspecting motorist into an unthinkable situation, it is worth the effort.

Should you let the dog on the sofa - Training Versus Behaviour?

Oh boy is this a hot potato! Firstly your dog knows the difference between the scruffy couch in the playroom and the one in the living room but you may have to work more on the training. You can let your dog do anything you like provided you put the effort in with the ground rules, but here is a simple guide.

Your dog has two basic barks, one to warn and the other is more playful. Learn what they are and what they mean. If you don't want a yappy dog you will get the opportunity at about 10 months to sort it out.

Don't allow your dog to behave in a way that would be offensive to others, I am sure you don't need a list from me.

You can use a smack, a firm push or voice commands so long as it is immediate. If your dog is beyond reach you will need to either be very quick (voice and run) or use an electric collar. A sharp shock beats a fight or injury. If this is administered at the start of the action the dog is unlikely to repeat the offence. You won't break the dog doing this. Prolonged aggression or fierce punishment fills your dog with terror. I have heard them start to yelp before a blow is struck because they know what is coming. Could you do your job knowing someone is about to give you a good kicking? Neither can the dog. I have never seen a broken dog that didn't bring a lump to my throat and have me biting my lip to hold back the tears. Like the dog I suffer quietly in silence unable to speak.

Being a good dog owner and handler

Bad behaviour develops as a result of lack of effort or selfishness by the owner. Like your children the more patience and time you spend with them and effort you put into your dog, the more reward you can expect with a strong measure of devotion paid back. Like children they will pick up trauma between adults and they don't like it. Neglect will result in the dog making up its own rules and then you will need a dog psychologist to intervene. Unless the dog is ill and requiring 24 hour supervision, I would advocate they should have their own special place. A kennel is usually the best so they can have peace and quite to relax and dry/chill out and be themselves. You wouldn't normally have your children in bed with you, so I think it is a bit odd to have your pets there too. Lack of common sense is what develops poor animal behaviour. Plenty of exercise, good diet, discipline, routine, care and attention will work for your dog.

In summary, the three essential pieces of equipment required are a lead, a collar and an audible device that can be heard anywhere instantly by your dog which upon being heard recalls your dog to your side.. If a measure of force is required then this device should have the ability to administer it or be backed up by it.

How to Make a cosy dog bed for free - well almost

I think a great bed makes a very happy dog, especially if they have a full tummy

As an engineer, specialising in materials handling and storage, when it comes to a bed for the dog I wanted to create a cosy place for her to sleep. For several months I persevered with pet cushions etc but they just get filthy and are not very easy to clean or warm to sleep on outdoors. In winter this year we had two feet of snow, which the dog loved but it was cold for her and I wanted something better.

Pallets are often equipment you can pick up for free. Two or three of them are very simple to convert into a bed. 1000mm x 1200mm is a perfect size. If you have an outhouse, garage or shed they will fit easily inside. It doesn't matter if the dog chews them, the wood can be recycled or used for fire wood and if you use straw, the straw can be composted or burned. Now this solution is not for everyone but the dog will love it and you may grow to love it and here is why:

The straw helps clean the dog The dog can scrape and arrange the straw as it wants it The pallet and a few straw bales make a very cosy den Filled with straw your dog can live comfortably outside in all weathers Living outside is better for the dog Dogs will grow their natural seasonal coats in line with the climate. Inside they go into a state of permanent moulting, outside unheated they can live more naturally. The straw is cosy and warm the year round especially with the added protection of 380mm to 450mm of insulation on 6 sides The pallet keeps your dog off the cold floor - essential. Straw bales range from £1.75 to £3.50

Before you go into blind panic about scabies or mange, I have never had any trouble. However if you are worried ask your vet, I think you will find that the modern treatments keep them at bay anyway. Do watch out for nails and cardboard (stapled on). Plywood makes good tops if the wood is spaced or a bit rough and then the deep straw does the rest.

My dog really loves her straw bed and is quite happy to get into it and I rarely see her little black nose come round the edge of the bale until I call for her.

How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away Plus How to Build a Very Cosy (Free) Pet Bed

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So what is altered art? Altered art is a combination of techniques that can include anything from making collages to stamping; enameling to embellishing. It is usually done on a household item or book to reflect a creative theme, or narrative.

Media Plus

Ideas for Mixed Media and Altered Art Projects

On one crafting web site, it is possible to learn the mixed media techniques that are most commonly used to create altered art. These include layering paper and other mediums to make a beautifully collage mask, using polymer clay as a painting medium to create a still life floral clay painting, and learning how to make your own travel altar.

Ideas for Mixed Media and Altered Art Projects

If you are looking to expand your skill set to include collage, clay painting, and other textured effects, online art instruction classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced skill levels are available in the internet. Their range of offerings includes ideas for mixed media and altered art projects, as well as numerous crafting disciplines.

Experienced artists teach these techniques in easy to follow craft instruction videos, most of which can be viewed again and again for one price. Before you purchase, the site should offer you brief previews of each video so you can see what supplies are required. On some websites each video also provides you with written instructions on a PDF document.


You can learn mixed media techniques commonly used to create altered art and mixed media which will expand your skills in including collage, clay painting, and other textured effects. They are contained in easy to follow craft instruction videos. So for the best ideas for mixed media and altered projects, as well as numerous crafting disciplines, search the internet for "online craft instruction" to take a look at websites that offer online fine craft and art instruction.

Ideas for Mixed Media and Altered Art Projects

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!


I thought I would share the solution to this problem with my readers. I struggled with the "Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working" problem for months before finally dedicating a good few hours researching for the solution. Nothing I found on the web worked, even after hours of searching through Google. And then I while just doing some testing I found the solution to my problem.

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

Media Plus

Actually, for me, the problem started with my Xbox 360 always losing the media center folders I had setup. I couldn't figure out what the problem was and when searching Google for other people experiencing the same problem, I found literally NOTHING. I couldn't believe. I guess that's why I'm so good at troubleshooting things, I seem to always the most bizarre issues.

Media Plus

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

I want to briefly explain the issues I was having with my XBOX 360, so that hopefully Google will index this page and others experiencing the same problem will find this solution. Basically every time I would turn on my XBOX 360 and launch the media center it would open up but all my video, music, and photo files I had previously added were gone. And the XBOX media center would tell me there are no folders and ask me if I wanted to add videos or folders to media center. I would go through the wizard and select the drives on my PC that I wanted to have added to media center on my XBOX 360 and that would add the files. Then I could watch my movies, TV shows, etc. However, once I was done, I would turn off the Xbox and then the next time I would power it back up, the folders were gone and I would have to add the folders again. This would happen every time I restarted the XBOX. A royal pain in the ass.

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

Anyways, when searching the web for people experiencing this issue, I came up with nothing. So I just lived with it for a while. Then I finally just got feed up with it and had some free time one day so I went over to the PC and tried to launch Windows Media Center to see what folders were currently added there. To my surprise I get a Windows Media Center has stopped working window after I tried to launch the executable for WMC. GREAT! Now I have an issue with my WMC on my PC! Okay, now I'm making the assumption that the two are linked.

So I start to research this phrase "Windows Media Center has Stopped Working". I found a few good sites with people experiencing this problem and most of their solutions were the same. I have copied and pasted their recommended solution below:

1. Exit any running instance of Windows Media Center.

2. Delete the following file:

To do this, follow these steps:
a. Click Start button, type run in the Start Search box, and then click Run in the Programs list.
b. In the Open box, type %systemdrive%\programdata\microsoft\ehome,and then click OK.
c. In the details pane, right-click mediacenterdatastore.db, and then click Delete.
d. Click Yes to confirm that you want to move the Mediacenterdatastore.db file to the Recycle Bin.

3. Start Windows Media Center.

On my PC there was no mediacenterdatastore.db file but there WAS a file with something.db. I went ahead and deleted this and tried to relaunch WMC, no dice. So I continued my search until I finally gave up as nothing seemed to work.

So what was my solution? Well, the problem was that SOMETHING was definitely corrupted. I'm not sure what, and I didn't really care to try to isolate, but I found the solution. I realized the problem was something that WMC set with my user profile, because when I logged into my PC with a different user and launched WMC, it came right up without any trouble at all. So at this point, I knew it was something to do with my user profile. I went into my user profile, copied the desktop items and anything else I wanted to save and then logged in as a different user and deleted my user account. Then once it was removed from my system, I created another user account with the same name. Logged in, copied my data back to the desktop and launched Windows Media Center. It came right up. So that was my solution. AND it also solved the problem with the XBOX360. On my PC I added all the folders I wanted to share with my XBOX360 and then turned on my XBOX, launched WMC and bam there were all my folders, videos, and TV shows. So now I am back up and running with everything functioning as it should. Just an FYI, I am using Windows 7, so not sure if this issue is something to do with Windows 7 and WMC, or it may also affect Windows XP. Good luck and hopefully if you have searched all over the web and nothing helped, hopefully this solution does.

Written by Josh R Bellendir, 2/27/2011
Check out for more articles, stories, tutorials, and reviews!

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

Friday, April 26, 2013

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia


No other nationality tolerates the negativity of historical information about itself more than the American-Italians.

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

Media Plus

There are about 25 million American Italians in the USA. The 25,000 Mafia members are obviously in the great minority. If any other nationality was depicted in the media the way American Italians are there would be congressional hearings, widely covered protests in the media, and lawsuits. Yet the Sopranos and HBO gained widespread popularity as Italians remained silent.

Media Plus

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia


American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

Italians had to strive to become real Americans as did other groups. They are NOT the guys you normally see on TV. Someone once said: "Italian-Americans live their life like they were filming it." We are all a little different so we should celebrate the talents we have, and face some facts too. The Baby Boomer generation consists of many second and third generation Americans from the roots of Ellis Island. These American-Italians preferred the "American" touch and influence on things rather than the Italian-American model. They simply wanted to blend. Other nationalities share this quality. You learned English in school or you got your ass in a sling. In that vigilance to become American, the diverse regional Italian languages and culture were generally not passed down. It is for this approach to becoming "Americanized" that I always refer to us as American Italians rather than Italian Americans.

In general, it could be said that the American-Italians are simply easy pickings for the media. "The HBO network and its series "The Sopranos (2000- 2007)" are guilty of defaming and assassinating the cultural character of Italian Americans by using their religion, customs and values in a violent and immoral context that damages the image and reputations of an estimated 25 million Americans of Italian descent, the nation's fifth largest ethnic minority." (from the Italian American Web Site of New York) Not to mention: The Godfather (1972) ,Goodfellas (1990), The Godfather Part II (1974), Donnie Brasco (1997), Scarface (1983), A Bronx Tale (1993), and The Untouchables (1987).
The Japanese Yakuza, the Hong Kong Triads, and the Russian Mafia have never attracted the media attention in comparison to La Cosa Nostra.

There is no denying the Mafia is criminal and widespread. Here is an excerpt from the FBI Italian Organized Crime Page: "Since their appearance in the 1800s, the Italian criminal societies known as the Mafia have infiltrated the social and economic fabric of Italy and now impact the world. They are some of the most notorious and widespread of all criminal societies."

There are several groups currently active in the U.S.: the Sicilian Mafia; the Camorra or Neapolitan Mafia; the 'Ndrangheta or Calabrian Mafia; and the Sacra Corona Unita or United Sacred Crown. It is estimated the four groups have approximately 25,000 members total, with 250,000 affiliates worldwide. There are more than 3,000 members and affiliates in the U.S., scattered mostly throughout the major cities in the Northeast, the Midwest, California, and the South. Their largest presence centers around New York, southern New Jersey, and Philadelphia.

A new five-year study conducted by the Italic Studies Institute maintains that this has been the predominant image of Italian Americans in films for more than 70 years. The Institute, based in Floral Park, N.Y., found that 40% of the 1220 films produced in the United States since 1928 that featured Italian American themes depicted Italian Americans as gangsters.

The report found that other film portrayals of Italian Americans are often negative, even when they're not being depicted as gangsters.

"Results of the research reveal a consistently negative attitude toward Italian Americans and Italian culture in general (69%)," the report said. "Images of Italians as violent criminals predominate (40%), followed by portrayals of boors, buffoons, bigots and bimbos (29%), as compared to images of Italians as positive, heroic or complex roles (31%)."

According to the report, "The figures clearly indicate an entrenched, institutionalized bias against Americans of Italian descent in the entertainment industry. The diversity of the Italian American experience has been obscured through an obsession with negative, one-dimensional stereotypes, equating Italian culture with criminality."

An American Italian from Buffalo, NY just started "The Mob Tours" in Niagara Falls, NY. where you can learn the history of Stefano "The Undertaker" Magaddino and take a 90 minute tour for "crime lovers". I think I am going to be sick. This news prompted me the write this article. Enough is enough.

How is it that out of 25 million American Italians such a small number of "Mafioso" gain so much attention? It is because the groups that protest this widespread defamation of character has been relatively ineffective. Many American Italian actors and businessmen participate in the movies and portrayals.

If they would take a stand maybe some attention would be drawn to this. I am sure we are all well aware of the many American Italian Doctors, Lawyers, Policemen, Fireman, Teachers, Musicians, and those in Business and the Arts feel a little sad when the media turns out more and more slaps at their heritage. Certainly, we are good for more than crime and Pizza. It's time we let America know that we are not going to take it anymore.

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

Sunday, April 21, 2013

deadmau5 lights up London with amazing 4D bump - NOKIA Lumia Live

deadmau5 lights up London with amazing 4D bump - NOKIA Lumia Live

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 5.03 Mins.

deadmau5 lights up London with amazing 4D bump - NOKIA Lumia Live

On Monday 28th November Nokia Lumia 800 with Windows phone brought deadmau5 and the world's most advanced 4D technology together and c...

deadmau5 lights up London with amazing 4D bump - NOKIA Lumia Live

deadmau5 lights up London with amazing 4D bump - NOKIA Lumia Live

deadmau5 lights up London with amazing 4D bump - NOKIA Lumia Live

deadmau5 lights up London with amazing 4D bump - NOKIA Lumia Live

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What is a Media Placement Specialist?


What is Media Placement anyway?

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Media Plus

OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 3.90 Mins.

OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

Buy the video on iTunes: Download this version of the song free at Buy the actual guitars from this video (all proce...

OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

No URL OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society


In the late 20th century, many celebrities and socialites have decided to go under cosmetic surgery procedures such as Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, and Michael Jackson. Whether this was pressure from being scrutinized under the public eye or living up to the high standards as role models to a generation, this led to being one of the many factors spurring a huge increase in the traffic for plastic surgery for people of all types.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

Media Plus

MC Hammer: Role of Social Media in Marketing

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 20.17 Mins.

MC Hammer: Role of Social Media in Marketing

MCHammer, entertainer and entrepreneur, discusses his thoughts on the impact of social media in marketing. The public session was part of the Stanford GSB ma...

MC Hammer: Role of Social Media in Marketing

MC Hammer: Role of Social Media in Marketing

MC Hammer: Role of Social Media in Marketing

MC Hammer: Role of Social Media in Marketing

No URL MC Hammer: Role of Social Media in Marketing

What is a Media Placement Specialist?


What is Media Placement anyway?

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Media Plus

Train - Drive By

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 3.48 Mins.

Train - Drive By

Music video by Train performing Drive By. Pre-order California 37 Now: (C) 2012 Sony Music Entertainment.

Train - Drive By

Train - Drive By

Train - Drive By

Train - Drive By

No URL Train - Drive By

Body Image And Mass Media


The media plays a significant role in shaping cultural impression about the body, and provides an obvious development of personal attitudes toward our bodies. Media focuses mainly on idealized imagery of the body and with the message of having the desirable body image. The media is targeting teens through magazines. Some of the messages those magazines give especially Seventeen Magazine is that the body is the key for adolescent identity, particularly for girls. The body is a consuming project and important for self definition for adolescent girls.

Body Image And Mass Media

Media Plus

Rihanna - California King Bed

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 4.73 Mins.

Rihanna - California King Bed

Music video by Rihanna performing California King Bed. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group.

Rihanna - California King Bed

Rihanna - California King Bed

Rihanna - California King Bed

Rihanna - California King Bed

No URL Rihanna - California King Bed

Characteristics of Modern Media Technology


Media has evolved a lot. Modern media depends on Technology to send information or gather them at a faster speed. The following are the characteristics:  

Characteristics of Modern Media Technology

Media Plus

Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Queens Bohemian Rhapsody

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 6.17 Mins.

Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Queens Bohemian Rhapsody

Robert Wilkinson, got arrested for intoxication and didn't agree with the charges.After pleading his case, he decides to belt out his emotions.. through the ...

Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Queens Bohemian Rhapsody

Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Queens Bohemian Rhapsody

Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Queens Bohemian Rhapsody

Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Queens Bohemian Rhapsody

No URL Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Queens Bohemian Rhapsody

The 7 Secrets of Writing a Great Media Release


Recently I rewrote and edited my last Media Motivators article on the McEddie "Everywhere" McGuire personal brand and turned it into a media release.

The 7 Secrets of Writing a Great Media Release

Media Plus

Gotye - Somebody That Used To Know feat. Kimbra(official video HD)

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 4.08 Mins.

Gotye - Somebody That Used To Know feat. Kimbra(official video HD)

Gotye - Somebody That Used To Know feat. Kimbra(official video HD)

Gotye - Somebody That Used To Know feat. Kimbra(official video HD)

Gotye - Somebody That Used To Know feat. Kimbra(official video HD)

Gotye - Somebody That Used To Know feat. Kimbra(official video HD)

No URL Gotye - Somebody That Used To Know feat. Kimbra(official video HD)

What is a Media Placement Specialist?


What is Media Placement anyway?

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Media Plus

Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"

This poignant performance of Nine Inch Nail's, "Hurt" is almost haunting, as it was recorded just prior to Cash's untimely death. Whether or not a Johnny Cas...

Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"

Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"

Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"

Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"

No URL Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media


Your engines oil filter is critically important to the life of your engine. The oil filters job is to capture and hold contaminants and other wear causing particles suspended in the engine oil and thus prevent abrasive wear that will shorten your engines service life.

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media

Media Plus

[Funny] SCARY MOMENTS IN VIDEO GAMES - (episode 5)

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 4.43 Mins.

[Funny] SCARY MOMENTS IN VIDEO GAMES - (episode 5)

PLEASE TAKE TIME TO LIKE/FAV/SHARE EVERYWHERE, for me bros! It helps a lot! *BROFIST* More Scary Montages - Facebook l

[Funny] SCARY MOMENTS IN VIDEO GAMES - (episode 5)

[Funny] SCARY MOMENTS IN VIDEO GAMES - (episode 5)

[Funny] SCARY MOMENTS IN VIDEO GAMES - (episode 5)

[Funny] SCARY MOMENTS IN VIDEO GAMES - (episode 5)


Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society


In the late 20th century, many celebrities and socialites have decided to go under cosmetic surgery procedures such as Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, and Michael Jackson. Whether this was pressure from being scrutinized under the public eye or living up to the high standards as role models to a generation, this led to being one of the many factors spurring a huge increase in the traffic for plastic surgery for people of all types.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

Media Plus

Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 4.85 Mins.

Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

THE NEW ALBUM IS NOW AVAILABLE ON iTUNES: © 2007 WMG Another Day In Paradise Official Website: Of...

Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

No URL Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia


No other nationality tolerates the negativity of historical information about itself more than the American-Italians.

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

Media Plus

Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live)

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 4.32 Mins.

Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live)

Happy memories of playing this song at festivals over the summer. Directed by the brilliant Mat Whitecross and Mark Rowbotham. 'Proper' Charlie Brown vid com...

Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live)

Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live)

Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live)

Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live)

No URL Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live)

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!


I thought I would share the solution to this problem with my readers. I struggled with the "Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working" problem for months before finally dedicating a good few hours researching for the solution. Nothing I found on the web worked, even after hours of searching through Google. And then I while just doing some testing I found the solution to my problem.

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

Media Plus

Ke$ha - Take It Off

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 3.72 Mins.

Ke$ha - Take It Off

Music video by Ke$ha performing Take It Off. (C) 2010 RCA Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment.

Ke$ha - Take It Off

Ke$ha - Take It Off

Ke$ha - Take It Off

Ke$ha - Take It Off

No URL Ke$ha - Take It Off

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society


In the late 20th century, many celebrities and socialites have decided to go under cosmetic surgery procedures such as Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, and Michael Jackson. Whether this was pressure from being scrutinized under the public eye or living up to the high standards as role models to a generation, this led to being one of the many factors spurring a huge increase in the traffic for plastic surgery for people of all types.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

Media Plus

Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates: Posting Positions on USAJOBS

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 6.77 Mins.

Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates: Posting Positions on USAJOBS

Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates: Posting Positions on USAJOBS

Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates: Posting Positions on USAJOBS

Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates: Posting Positions on USAJOBS

Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates: Posting Positions on USAJOBS

No URL Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates: Posting Positions on USAJOBS

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society


In the late 20th century, many celebrities and socialites have decided to go under cosmetic surgery procedures such as Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, and Michael Jackson. Whether this was pressure from being scrutinized under the public eye or living up to the high standards as role models to a generation, this led to being one of the many factors spurring a huge increase in the traffic for plastic surgery for people of all types.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

Media Plus

World's Largest Rope Swing

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 2.92 Mins.

World's Largest Rope Swing

Watch the behind the scenes of this video in the link below! Download the song from the video on iTunes!!! It was made by "Can't ...

World's Largest Rope Swing

World's Largest Rope Swing

World's Largest Rope Swing

World's Largest Rope Swing

No URL World's Largest Rope Swing

What is a Media Placement Specialist?


What is Media Placement anyway?

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Media Plus

Epic Trick Shot Battle | Dude Perfect

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 4.65 Mins.

Epic Trick Shot Battle | Dude Perfect

Play the DUDE PERFECT GAME here! iPhone - Android - iPad - Tweet! http://bit....

Epic Trick Shot Battle | Dude Perfect

Epic Trick Shot Battle | Dude Perfect

Epic Trick Shot Battle | Dude Perfect

Epic Trick Shot Battle | Dude Perfect

No URL Epic Trick Shot Battle | Dude Perfect

What is a Media Placement Specialist?


What is Media Placement anyway?

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Media Plus

Far East Movement - Turn Up The Love ft. Cover Drive

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 3.58 Mins.

Far East Movement - Turn Up The Love ft. Cover Drive

Subscribe to our personal Youtube channel to watch us behind the scenes: We're Far East Move...

Far East Movement - Turn Up The Love ft. Cover Drive

Far East Movement - Turn Up The Love ft. Cover Drive

Far East Movement - Turn Up The Love ft. Cover Drive

Far East Movement - Turn Up The Love ft. Cover Drive

No URL Far East Movement - Turn Up The Love ft. Cover Drive

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia


No other nationality tolerates the negativity of historical information about itself more than the American-Italians.

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

Media Plus

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and manages to boomerang back to the person who set it into motio...

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

No URL Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and manages to boomerang back to the person who set it into motio...


There are about 25 million American Italians in the USA. The 25,000 Mafia members are obviously in the great minority. If any other nationality was depicted in the media the way American Italians are there would be congressional hearings, widely covered protests in the media, and lawsuits. Yet the Sopranos and HBO gained widespread popularity as Italians remained silent.

Media Plus

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia


American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

Italians had to strive to become real Americans as did other groups. They are NOT the guys you normally see on TV. Someone once said: "Italian-Americans live their life like they were filming it." We are all a little different so we should celebrate the talents we have, and face some facts too. The Baby Boomer generation consists of many second and third generation Americans from the roots of Ellis Island. These American-Italians preferred the "American" touch and influence on things rather than the Italian-American model. They simply wanted to blend. Other nationalities share this quality. You learned English in school or you got your ass in a sling. In that vigilance to become American, the diverse regional Italian languages and culture were generally not passed down. It is for this approach to becoming "Americanized" that I always refer to us as American Italians rather than Italian Americans.

In general, it could be said that the American-Italians are simply easy pickings for the media. "The HBO network and its series "The Sopranos (2000- 2007)" are guilty of defaming and assassinating the cultural character of Italian Americans by using their religion, customs and values in a violent and immoral context that damages the image and reputations of an estimated 25 million Americans of Italian descent, the nation's fifth largest ethnic minority." (from the Italian American Web Site of New York) Not to mention: The Godfather (1972) ,Goodfellas (1990), The Godfather Part II (1974), Donnie Brasco (1997), Scarface (1983), A Bronx Tale (1993), and The Untouchables (1987).
The Japanese Yakuza, the Hong Kong Triads, and the Russian Mafia have never attracted the media attention in comparison to La Cosa Nostra.

There is no denying the Mafia is criminal and widespread. Here is an excerpt from the FBI Italian Organized Crime Page: "Since their appearance in the 1800s, the Italian criminal societies known as the Mafia have infiltrated the social and economic fabric of Italy and now impact the world. They are some of the most notorious and widespread of all criminal societies."

There are several groups currently active in the U.S.: the Sicilian Mafia; the Camorra or Neapolitan Mafia; the 'Ndrangheta or Calabrian Mafia; and the Sacra Corona Unita or United Sacred Crown. It is estimated the four groups have approximately 25,000 members total, with 250,000 affiliates worldwide. There are more than 3,000 members and affiliates in the U.S., scattered mostly throughout the major cities in the Northeast, the Midwest, California, and the South. Their largest presence centers around New York, southern New Jersey, and Philadelphia.

A new five-year study conducted by the Italic Studies Institute maintains that this has been the predominant image of Italian Americans in films for more than 70 years. The Institute, based in Floral Park, N.Y., found that 40% of the 1220 films produced in the United States since 1928 that featured Italian American themes depicted Italian Americans as gangsters.

The report found that other film portrayals of Italian Americans are often negative, even when they're not being depicted as gangsters.

"Results of the research reveal a consistently negative attitude toward Italian Americans and Italian culture in general (69%)," the report said. "Images of Italians as violent criminals predominate (40%), followed by portrayals of boors, buffoons, bigots and bimbos (29%), as compared to images of Italians as positive, heroic or complex roles (31%)."

According to the report, "The figures clearly indicate an entrenched, institutionalized bias against Americans of Italian descent in the entertainment industry. The diversity of the Italian American experience has been obscured through an obsession with negative, one-dimensional stereotypes, equating Italian culture with criminality."

An American Italian from Buffalo, NY just started "The Mob Tours" in Niagara Falls, NY. where you can learn the history of Stefano "The Undertaker" Magaddino and take a 90 minute tour for "crime lovers". I think I am going to be sick. This news prompted me the write this article. Enough is enough.

How is it that out of 25 million American Italians such a small number of "Mafioso" gain so much attention? It is because the groups that protest this widespread defamation of character has been relatively ineffective. Many American Italian actors and businessmen participate in the movies and portrayals.

If they would take a stand maybe some attention would be drawn to this. I am sure we are all well aware of the many American Italian Doctors, Lawyers, Policemen, Fireman, Teachers, Musicians, and those in Business and the Arts feel a little sad when the media turns out more and more slaps at their heritage. Certainly, we are good for more than crime and Pizza. It's time we let America know that we are not going to take it anymore.

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

Subscribe to our personal Youtube channel to watch us behind the scenes: We're Far East Move...


Media Placement is: "the use of various types of media to establish and promote the products and services for business."

Media Plus

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

For example, this article you are reading right now is media placement. This website hosting this article is communication media and this article is placed in a position to ensure this article is found by people who want the answers it provides - it is typical targeted placement.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Online research provides you with useful information about the purchasing habits of people, which can help you focus on which group of the market to target. This ensures you are getting your business products and services exposed to people who are looking for your services.

If you master the art and science of media placement it gets really exciting when you can control the game and become a "media mogul" (A person who controls various forms of media) When you are a "media mogul" you have more power and arguably more effective results than a traditional marketers do. This is because having specialized knowledge and skill for placing media to promote business gives you a major edge, not just in business but also in your career. Imagine what would happen to your career if you had the ability to market your business for free and get results, what would your boss think?

By becoming a certified media placement guru, there are countless opportunities online to promote other people's businesses and collect commissions - is a literally 'virtual' gold field here!

Some Approaches

When you are in the process of mastering the skill be sure to start small. Learn a few methods that work for you. For example start with something like internet media, or direct mail, or pay-per-click, or co-registration, articles or press releases. Then you can expand your business and the types and amounts of media that you use.

For newcomers, Internet marketing is probably the single fastest, least expensive and low-risk type of media marketing available today.

So all there is to do now is it's your job to learn some of these secrets.

You can learn the skill of media placement from a lot of people (You will find an absolute boat load of people selling courses online to teach you how make money from home.) But not many actually teach media placement specifically, they teach marketing but 'media placement' is truly the next level up.

Remember, once you master one or two key techniques you're in the game - you'll be a sought after "Media Mogul". I want to stress to you how serious this is... when you have the ability to generate customers for businesses in this economic climate business owners PAY people for expertise. Make it you, you be the person they need, become the expert, learn to make other people money and then the financial gains are huge for you as a Media Placement Specialist.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Play the DUDE PERFECT GAME here! iPhone - Android - iPad - Tweet! http://bit....


Media Placement is: "the use of various types of media to establish and promote the products and services for business."

Media Plus

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

For example, this article you are reading right now is media placement. This website hosting this article is communication media and this article is placed in a position to ensure this article is found by people who want the answers it provides - it is typical targeted placement.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Online research provides you with useful information about the purchasing habits of people, which can help you focus on which group of the market to target. This ensures you are getting your business products and services exposed to people who are looking for your services.

If you master the art and science of media placement it gets really exciting when you can control the game and become a "media mogul" (A person who controls various forms of media) When you are a "media mogul" you have more power and arguably more effective results than a traditional marketers do. This is because having specialized knowledge and skill for placing media to promote business gives you a major edge, not just in business but also in your career. Imagine what would happen to your career if you had the ability to market your business for free and get results, what would your boss think?

By becoming a certified media placement guru, there are countless opportunities online to promote other people's businesses and collect commissions - is a literally 'virtual' gold field here!

Some Approaches

When you are in the process of mastering the skill be sure to start small. Learn a few methods that work for you. For example start with something like internet media, or direct mail, or pay-per-click, or co-registration, articles or press releases. Then you can expand your business and the types and amounts of media that you use.

For newcomers, Internet marketing is probably the single fastest, least expensive and low-risk type of media marketing available today.

So all there is to do now is it's your job to learn some of these secrets.

You can learn the skill of media placement from a lot of people (You will find an absolute boat load of people selling courses online to teach you how make money from home.) But not many actually teach media placement specifically, they teach marketing but 'media placement' is truly the next level up.

Remember, once you master one or two key techniques you're in the game - you'll be a sought after "Media Mogul". I want to stress to you how serious this is... when you have the ability to generate customers for businesses in this economic climate business owners PAY people for expertise. Make it you, you be the person they need, become the expert, learn to make other people money and then the financial gains are huge for you as a Media Placement Specialist.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Watch the behind the scenes of this video in the link below! Download the song from the video on iTunes!!! It was made by "Can't ...


There are many other factors, inspiring souls to under-go the knife, for the addition of this multi-billionaire dollar industry include a preoccupation with a negative body image, body dysmoprhic disorder, and the media's portrayal of beauty, most notably seen in the early 21st Century.

Media Plus

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

For the latter factor a large increase in cosmetic surgery awareness was greatly induced by a television show on MTV known as "I want a Famous Face". Where many individuals apply to the MTV network by sending in videos for a chance to win the opportunity of being featured on the MTV Special. These individuals aspired to have similar aesthetic appeal to such celebrity faces including the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Ricky Martin, and Janet Jackson.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

This reveals that to a large extent for a media pressure for cosmetic surgery. However there is also much social pressure as well. There are those desiring or deciding in plastic surgery between a large variety of options, including those of the buttocks, thighs, facial, nose, and breasts.

The social effect is due to men for a multitude of reasons. More aesthetically pleasing females or women who have had plastic surgery helps them excel in the work force (in the sense they land promotions and earn higher wages... beauty, artificial or natural does not have statistical correlations with work ethic or intelligence) and this has been proven by statistical research.

The following may sound misogynistic but is backed by statistical research. The more work done means more expenditure, many females who have plastic surgery are dependent on men for the finance of their procedures (the cipher in effect here relates to prior paragraph's motif about higher earnings which men is at the root of which).

Also plastic surgery is somewhat of a recurring cycle due to both psychological factors and that of the science of plastic surgery itself.

Psychological factors being that related to new surge in the media dubbed 'cosmetic surgery addiction'. The science of it being is where many procedures require check ups and additional surgeries to maintain a more consistent youthful effect of appearance, such as in procedures like collagen injections, botox and face lifts.

Two revealings in the media of cosmetics, premier episodes of MTV's "I want a Famous Face", (these episodes can be found in the links below under the media page) included individuals seeking to accomplish a similar appearance akin to that of Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society


There are many other factors, inspiring souls to under-go the knife, for the addition of this multi-billionaire dollar industry include a preoccupation with a negative body image, body dysmoprhic disorder, and the media's portrayal of beauty, most notably seen in the early 21st Century.

Media Plus

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

For the latter factor a large increase in cosmetic surgery awareness was greatly induced by a television show on MTV known as "I want a Famous Face". Where many individuals apply to the MTV network by sending in videos for a chance to win the opportunity of being featured on the MTV Special. These individuals aspired to have similar aesthetic appeal to such celebrity faces including the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Ricky Martin, and Janet Jackson.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

This reveals that to a large extent for a media pressure for cosmetic surgery. However there is also much social pressure as well. There are those desiring or deciding in plastic surgery between a large variety of options, including those of the buttocks, thighs, facial, nose, and breasts.

The social effect is due to men for a multitude of reasons. More aesthetically pleasing females or women who have had plastic surgery helps them excel in the work force (in the sense they land promotions and earn higher wages... beauty, artificial or natural does not have statistical correlations with work ethic or intelligence) and this has been proven by statistical research.

The following may sound misogynistic but is backed by statistical research. The more work done means more expenditure, many females who have plastic surgery are dependent on men for the finance of their procedures (the cipher in effect here relates to prior paragraph's motif about higher earnings which men is at the root of which).

Also plastic surgery is somewhat of a recurring cycle due to both psychological factors and that of the science of plastic surgery itself.

Psychological factors being that related to new surge in the media dubbed 'cosmetic surgery addiction'. The science of it being is where many procedures require check ups and additional surgeries to maintain a more consistent youthful effect of appearance, such as in procedures like collagen injections, botox and face lifts.

Two revealings in the media of cosmetics, premier episodes of MTV's "I want a Famous Face", (these episodes can be found in the links below under the media page) included individuals seeking to accomplish a similar appearance akin to that of Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

Music video by Ke$ha performing Take It Off. (C) 2010 RCA Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment.


Actually, for me, the problem started with my Xbox 360 always losing the media center folders I had setup. I couldn't figure out what the problem was and when searching Google for other people experiencing the same problem, I found literally NOTHING. I couldn't believe. I guess that's why I'm so good at troubleshooting things, I seem to always the most bizarre issues.

Media Plus

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

I want to briefly explain the issues I was having with my XBOX 360, so that hopefully Google will index this page and others experiencing the same problem will find this solution. Basically every time I would turn on my XBOX 360 and launch the media center it would open up but all my video, music, and photo files I had previously added were gone. And the XBOX media center would tell me there are no folders and ask me if I wanted to add videos or folders to media center. I would go through the wizard and select the drives on my PC that I wanted to have added to media center on my XBOX 360 and that would add the files. Then I could watch my movies, TV shows, etc. However, once I was done, I would turn off the Xbox and then the next time I would power it back up, the folders were gone and I would have to add the folders again. This would happen every time I restarted the XBOX. A royal pain in the ass.

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

Anyways, when searching the web for people experiencing this issue, I came up with nothing. So I just lived with it for a while. Then I finally just got feed up with it and had some free time one day so I went over to the PC and tried to launch Windows Media Center to see what folders were currently added there. To my surprise I get a Windows Media Center has stopped working window after I tried to launch the executable for WMC. GREAT! Now I have an issue with my WMC on my PC! Okay, now I'm making the assumption that the two are linked.

So I start to research this phrase "Windows Media Center has Stopped Working". I found a few good sites with people experiencing this problem and most of their solutions were the same. I have copied and pasted their recommended solution below:

1. Exit any running instance of Windows Media Center.

2. Delete the following file:

To do this, follow these steps:
a. Click Start button, type run in the Start Search box, and then click Run in the Programs list.
b. In the Open box, type %systemdrive%\programdata\microsoft\ehome,and then click OK.
c. In the details pane, right-click mediacenterdatastore.db, and then click Delete.
d. Click Yes to confirm that you want to move the Mediacenterdatastore.db file to the Recycle Bin.

3. Start Windows Media Center.

On my PC there was no mediacenterdatastore.db file but there WAS a file with something.db. I went ahead and deleted this and tried to relaunch WMC, no dice. So I continued my search until I finally gave up as nothing seemed to work.

So what was my solution? Well, the problem was that SOMETHING was definitely corrupted. I'm not sure what, and I didn't really care to try to isolate, but I found the solution. I realized the problem was something that WMC set with my user profile, because when I logged into my PC with a different user and launched WMC, it came right up without any trouble at all. So at this point, I knew it was something to do with my user profile. I went into my user profile, copied the desktop items and anything else I wanted to save and then logged in as a different user and deleted my user account. Then once it was removed from my system, I created another user account with the same name. Logged in, copied my data back to the desktop and launched Windows Media Center. It came right up. So that was my solution. AND it also solved the problem with the XBOX360. On my PC I added all the folders I wanted to share with my XBOX360 and then turned on my XBOX, launched WMC and bam there were all my folders, videos, and TV shows. So now I am back up and running with everything functioning as it should. Just an FYI, I am using Windows 7, so not sure if this issue is something to do with Windows 7 and WMC, or it may also affect Windows XP. Good luck and hopefully if you have searched all over the web and nothing helped, hopefully this solution does.

Written by Josh R Bellendir, 2/27/2011
Check out for more articles, stories, tutorials, and reviews!

Windows Media Center Has Stopped Working - SOLUTION!

Happy memories of playing this song at festivals over the summer. Directed by the brilliant Mat Whitecross and Mark Rowbotham. 'Proper' Charlie Brown vid com...


There are about 25 million American Italians in the USA. The 25,000 Mafia members are obviously in the great minority. If any other nationality was depicted in the media the way American Italians are there would be congressional hearings, widely covered protests in the media, and lawsuits. Yet the Sopranos and HBO gained widespread popularity as Italians remained silent.

Media Plus

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia


American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

Italians had to strive to become real Americans as did other groups. They are NOT the guys you normally see on TV. Someone once said: "Italian-Americans live their life like they were filming it." We are all a little different so we should celebrate the talents we have, and face some facts too. The Baby Boomer generation consists of many second and third generation Americans from the roots of Ellis Island. These American-Italians preferred the "American" touch and influence on things rather than the Italian-American model. They simply wanted to blend. Other nationalities share this quality. You learned English in school or you got your ass in a sling. In that vigilance to become American, the diverse regional Italian languages and culture were generally not passed down. It is for this approach to becoming "Americanized" that I always refer to us as American Italians rather than Italian Americans.

In general, it could be said that the American-Italians are simply easy pickings for the media. "The HBO network and its series "The Sopranos (2000- 2007)" are guilty of defaming and assassinating the cultural character of Italian Americans by using their religion, customs and values in a violent and immoral context that damages the image and reputations of an estimated 25 million Americans of Italian descent, the nation's fifth largest ethnic minority." (from the Italian American Web Site of New York) Not to mention: The Godfather (1972) ,Goodfellas (1990), The Godfather Part II (1974), Donnie Brasco (1997), Scarface (1983), A Bronx Tale (1993), and The Untouchables (1987).
The Japanese Yakuza, the Hong Kong Triads, and the Russian Mafia have never attracted the media attention in comparison to La Cosa Nostra.

There is no denying the Mafia is criminal and widespread. Here is an excerpt from the FBI Italian Organized Crime Page: "Since their appearance in the 1800s, the Italian criminal societies known as the Mafia have infiltrated the social and economic fabric of Italy and now impact the world. They are some of the most notorious and widespread of all criminal societies."

There are several groups currently active in the U.S.: the Sicilian Mafia; the Camorra or Neapolitan Mafia; the 'Ndrangheta or Calabrian Mafia; and the Sacra Corona Unita or United Sacred Crown. It is estimated the four groups have approximately 25,000 members total, with 250,000 affiliates worldwide. There are more than 3,000 members and affiliates in the U.S., scattered mostly throughout the major cities in the Northeast, the Midwest, California, and the South. Their largest presence centers around New York, southern New Jersey, and Philadelphia.

A new five-year study conducted by the Italic Studies Institute maintains that this has been the predominant image of Italian Americans in films for more than 70 years. The Institute, based in Floral Park, N.Y., found that 40% of the 1220 films produced in the United States since 1928 that featured Italian American themes depicted Italian Americans as gangsters.

The report found that other film portrayals of Italian Americans are often negative, even when they're not being depicted as gangsters.

"Results of the research reveal a consistently negative attitude toward Italian Americans and Italian culture in general (69%)," the report said. "Images of Italians as violent criminals predominate (40%), followed by portrayals of boors, buffoons, bigots and bimbos (29%), as compared to images of Italians as positive, heroic or complex roles (31%)."

According to the report, "The figures clearly indicate an entrenched, institutionalized bias against Americans of Italian descent in the entertainment industry. The diversity of the Italian American experience has been obscured through an obsession with negative, one-dimensional stereotypes, equating Italian culture with criminality."

An American Italian from Buffalo, NY just started "The Mob Tours" in Niagara Falls, NY. where you can learn the history of Stefano "The Undertaker" Magaddino and take a 90 minute tour for "crime lovers". I think I am going to be sick. This news prompted me the write this article. Enough is enough.

How is it that out of 25 million American Italians such a small number of "Mafioso" gain so much attention? It is because the groups that protest this widespread defamation of character has been relatively ineffective. Many American Italian actors and businessmen participate in the movies and portrayals.

If they would take a stand maybe some attention would be drawn to this. I am sure we are all well aware of the many American Italian Doctors, Lawyers, Policemen, Fireman, Teachers, Musicians, and those in Business and the Arts feel a little sad when the media turns out more and more slaps at their heritage. Certainly, we are good for more than crime and Pizza. It's time we let America know that we are not going to take it anymore.

American Italians - The Media and the Mafia

THE NEW ALBUM IS NOW AVAILABLE ON iTUNES: © 2007 WMG Another Day In Paradise Official Website: Of...


There are many other factors, inspiring souls to under-go the knife, for the addition of this multi-billionaire dollar industry include a preoccupation with a negative body image, body dysmoprhic disorder, and the media's portrayal of beauty, most notably seen in the early 21st Century.

Media Plus

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

For the latter factor a large increase in cosmetic surgery awareness was greatly induced by a television show on MTV known as "I want a Famous Face". Where many individuals apply to the MTV network by sending in videos for a chance to win the opportunity of being featured on the MTV Special. These individuals aspired to have similar aesthetic appeal to such celebrity faces including the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Ricky Martin, and Janet Jackson.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

This reveals that to a large extent for a media pressure for cosmetic surgery. However there is also much social pressure as well. There are those desiring or deciding in plastic surgery between a large variety of options, including those of the buttocks, thighs, facial, nose, and breasts.

The social effect is due to men for a multitude of reasons. More aesthetically pleasing females or women who have had plastic surgery helps them excel in the work force (in the sense they land promotions and earn higher wages... beauty, artificial or natural does not have statistical correlations with work ethic or intelligence) and this has been proven by statistical research.

The following may sound misogynistic but is backed by statistical research. The more work done means more expenditure, many females who have plastic surgery are dependent on men for the finance of their procedures (the cipher in effect here relates to prior paragraph's motif about higher earnings which men is at the root of which).

Also plastic surgery is somewhat of a recurring cycle due to both psychological factors and that of the science of plastic surgery itself.

Psychological factors being that related to new surge in the media dubbed 'cosmetic surgery addiction'. The science of it being is where many procedures require check ups and additional surgeries to maintain a more consistent youthful effect of appearance, such as in procedures like collagen injections, botox and face lifts.

Two revealings in the media of cosmetics, premier episodes of MTV's "I want a Famous Face", (these episodes can be found in the links below under the media page) included individuals seeking to accomplish a similar appearance akin to that of Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

PLEASE TAKE TIME TO LIKE/FAV/SHARE EVERYWHERE, for me bros! It helps a lot! *BROFIST* More Scary Montages - Facebook l


But just how well does an oil filter"s media work at removing contaminants from the oil?

Media Plus

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media

For many years treated paper (cellulose) has been stuffed inside the oil filters can or cartridge in a pleated form to allow as much surface area as possible inside the confines of any given sized filter.

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media

When talking about filtration there are two main things to consider. Efficiency, meaning how small of particles can the media capture and capacity, how much contaminants the filter media can hold before the media starts becoming loaded and flow is reduced to an un-satisfactory level.

Some years ago various companies started blending treated paper with a synthetic glass fiber and this improved particle efficiency considerably over just plain paper.

So just how efficient do we want the oil filter to be? In a perfect world it would of course be desirable for the oil filter to capture 100% of all contaminants of all sizes down to the most infinitesimally tiny.

Being that this is obviously not possible from an engineering standpoint what particles are the most important to catch to provide the best real world wear protection?

Many studies done in the industry have shown that the most damaging contaminants are found in the 5 micron to 20-micron size range. (A micron is one millionth of a meter. For reference a red blood cell averages about 8 microns.... we're talking really small here!) Particles smaller than 5 microns do have an effect on wear but to a much smaller degree.

As per ISO 4548-12 a widely accepted multi pass industry filter efficiency test, typical pleated paper oil filters average about 40% efficiency at 15 microns, meaning on multiple passes through the filter it caught about 40% of all the contaminants in the 15 micron size range.

On the same ISO test, oil filters using a paper/glass fiber blend caught an average of 80% of all particles in the 15 micron size range; a big increase in efficiency!

A few years ago though, an all new oil filter media was introduced to the automotive and light truck market. Using a space age synthetic NANO fiber this state of the art filter offers a level of efficiency not seen before in automotive oil filters.

On the ISO 4548-12 test this new space age filter media has proven to be 98.7% efficient at 15 microns. An order of magnitude better efficiency. It also has proven to be extremely efficient to below the 5-micron threshold that is most critical to preventing engine wear.

But what about that other really important feature of oil filter performance: dirt-holding capacity? How much contaminant the oil filter can hold before its full and oil flow is reduced to an un-satisfactory level.

Cellulose filters are limited in capacity by the very paper that makes up their filter media. Paper tends to have a hodge podge of varying size fibers and filaments that make up the small pores that the oil flows through.

Testing has shown that as much as 40% of the media in a cellulose filter passes nothing and is completely blocked severely reducing the capacity of the oil filter and the number of miles that it can be used.

Synthetic NANO fiber filters on the other hand have filaments that are very much smaller and are uniform in size and shape and 100% of the oil filters media is 100% flowable. This give the synthetic NANO fiber oil filter not only a 90% plus reduction in oil contaminants but the capacity to last 2 to 5 times longer in service.

But what do these numbers mean in the real world of motor oil cleanliness?

I recently performed an impromptu filter test on a friends 1998 Toyota Avalon just for the sake of my own curiosity.

At 81,000 miles my friend changed the oil on his car using a common brand of petroleum oil and an OEM filter. At 2000 miles I pulled a sample and had the particle count read using an industry standard pore blockage particle test.

We then installed a synthetic NANO fiber oil filter on the Toyota and after an additional 2000 miles pulled another sample and had it tested for particle count by the same pore block method, and by the same lab. The Results were astonishing!

OEM oil filter................................................................. NANO Fiber Oil filter
@ 4 Microns = 1,864 particles.............................................. 121 particles
@ 6 microns = 1,002 particles............................................... 70 particles
@14 microns = 173 particles.................................................. 9 particles
@ 25 microns = 37 particles................................................ 2 particles
@ 50 microns = 5 particles.....................................................0 particles
@100 microns = 0 particles.................................................... 0 particles

As is obvious from this test, the synthetic NANO fiber oil filter reduced the oils sub 25-micron particle count by more than 90% and maintained that percentage of reduction below the critical 5-micron range where as the cellulose filter showed increasingly higher particle counts below 25-microns indicating much higher levels of abrasive contamination.

Significantly a sample of the oil taken "new-from- the-bottle" had an ISO cleanliness rating of 18/16/14. ISO rates an oils cleanliness at 4-6-and 14 microns meaning out of the bottle the oil showed 18 particles in the 4 micron range, 16 particles in the 6 micron range and 14 particles in the 14 micron range.

After having been used in the Toyota for 4000 miles, the last 2000 with the synthetic NANO fiber oil filter, its ISO cleanliness rating tested 14/12/10 meaning the oil was cleaner after 4000 miles of use and being filtered through the NANO fiber oil filter than it was brand new in the bottle!

Do not construe this as saying that brand new motor oils are dirty. They are not, although all new motor oils contain some minuscule contaminants and some brands are much cleaner than others.

While this test I performed might be lacking in complete scientific controls for testing and it was performed on only one vehicle the results are consistent with those of hundreds of other well controlled industry studies and I believe the results would be easy for anyone in the oil/filter industry to duplicate.

SAE papers published by Cummins, Detroit Diesel and other engine makers have shown conclusively that reducing particles in the 5 to 25 micron range significantly reduces wear and can extend the engines life by 25% or more.

There are other advantages of the synthetic NANO fiber oil filter over its cellulose and cellulose/ glass fiber cousins. In subzero temperatures a cellulose filter can be completely blocked because condensation (water) in the oil freezes and expands inside of the filter medias fibers and blocks oil flow. The synthetic NANO media is not affected by condensation and freezing temperatures making it well suited to use in cold climates.

The NANO Fiber oil filter also can increase the life expectancy of the engines oil. Particulates in the oil are catalysts for oxidation so having a filter capable of removing most particulate matter will slow oxidation, help maintain the oils acid fighting abilities (TBN levels) and significantly extend the life of the motor oil.

The synthetic NANO fiber oil filter really offers it all when talking automotive filtration. Second to none contaminant removal and 3 to 5 times more capacity and service life making it a very cost effective purchase.

Amsoil Inc introduced the first fully synthetic motor oil to meet American Petroleum Institute requirements in 1972. Today Amsoil is considered the world leader in synthetic lubrication and high tech automotive filtration.

Oil Filters! Cellulose Oil Filter Media Vs The Space Age NANO Fiber Oil Filter Media

This poignant performance of Nine Inch Nail's, "Hurt" is almost haunting, as it was recorded just prior to Cash's untimely death. Whether or not a Johnny Cas...


Media Placement is: "the use of various types of media to establish and promote the products and services for business."

Media Plus

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

For example, this article you are reading right now is media placement. This website hosting this article is communication media and this article is placed in a position to ensure this article is found by people who want the answers it provides - it is typical targeted placement.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Online research provides you with useful information about the purchasing habits of people, which can help you focus on which group of the market to target. This ensures you are getting your business products and services exposed to people who are looking for your services.

If you master the art and science of media placement it gets really exciting when you can control the game and become a "media mogul" (A person who controls various forms of media) When you are a "media mogul" you have more power and arguably more effective results than a traditional marketers do. This is because having specialized knowledge and skill for placing media to promote business gives you a major edge, not just in business but also in your career. Imagine what would happen to your career if you had the ability to market your business for free and get results, what would your boss think?

By becoming a certified media placement guru, there are countless opportunities online to promote other people's businesses and collect commissions - is a literally 'virtual' gold field here!

Some Approaches

When you are in the process of mastering the skill be sure to start small. Learn a few methods that work for you. For example start with something like internet media, or direct mail, or pay-per-click, or co-registration, articles or press releases. Then you can expand your business and the types and amounts of media that you use.

For newcomers, Internet marketing is probably the single fastest, least expensive and low-risk type of media marketing available today.

So all there is to do now is it's your job to learn some of these secrets.

You can learn the skill of media placement from a lot of people (You will find an absolute boat load of people selling courses online to teach you how make money from home.) But not many actually teach media placement specifically, they teach marketing but 'media placement' is truly the next level up.

Remember, once you master one or two key techniques you're in the game - you'll be a sought after "Media Mogul". I want to stress to you how serious this is... when you have the ability to generate customers for businesses in this economic climate business owners PAY people for expertise. Make it you, you be the person they need, become the expert, learn to make other people money and then the financial gains are huge for you as a Media Placement Specialist.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?


It generated two high profile radio interviews on ABC and commercial radio and a Google search on the words "Eddie McGuire" positioned my story on the first page at number 10 out of a possible 3.2 million mentions.

Media Plus

The 7 Secrets of Writing a Great Media Release

It also prompted one news editor to contact me and ask if I could write a column for his influential, high-profile and award-winning newspaper.

The 7 Secrets of Writing a Great Media Release

So how did I do it? More importantly, how can you turn your expert knowledge into a news release that gains you tens of thousands of dollars worth of media coverage for free?

And what are the secrets of writing media releases that get used instead of deleted and ranked highly in Google?

This is a question critical to gaining ongoing media coverage in a consistent way for any organisation or individual.

How to write a news release that generates free publicity is a great skill to have. The good news it is a learned skill!

This article covers media release writing in detail - the 7 secrets of writing a great news release.

1. Strong News Value

Your media release must have a strong news value and not be trying to sell something or be blatant advertising. The media will see through this.

Conflict, drama, currency, relevance, proximity, prominence, and timeliness are the strongest news value.

Ask: what is new about what we're doing?

2. A Well Written Headline

A headline must grab the attention of the editor or reporter.

3. A Well Written Lead Paragraph

A lead paragraph must continue to hold the attention of the editor or reporter and summarise what the story is about.

4.Quotable Quotes

Quotable quotes add credibility and human interest to a media release. They are the flesh that goes on the facts or bare bones of the story. They must be memorable and well crafted.

Take this quote from a famous athlete who had just come out of retirement, "I'm bored, I'm broke and I'm back!".

Nice - simple, memorable and direct. Plus the media love it because of its honesty, structure and rhyming nature, especially the alliteration with all the first words starting with the letter 'b'.

5. Clarity In Writing Style

Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Don't try and put the whole story across with every detail. Remember, the aim is to get the media interested in the story and then call for more detail.

6. Strong Call To Action

Your media release must end with a call to action. What is it you want people to do after reading or hearing your message?

Invest in your stock, buy your book or vote for you!

7. Comprehensive Contact Details

A news release should always contain current contact details for the media to follow-up.

At a minimum these are landline, mobile, web and email.

The 7 Secrets of Writing a Great Media Release

Robert Wilkinson, got arrested for intoxication and didn't agree with the charges.After pleading his case, he decides to belt out his emotions.. through the ...


Speed: The information reaches at a faster speed.     

Media Plus

Characteristics of Modern Media Technology

Reach: The information must have mass reach.  

Characteristics of Modern Media Technology

Preventing Calamities: Modern media broadcasts 24 hours. So high technology is used to beat natural calamities.     

Constant Transmission: Technology is used for constant transmission.  

The following tools of technology is used to achieve the aforesaid targets:  
Use of Satellites: Satellite Technology is used to ensure constant transmission. A satellite hardly  gets affected by climatic conditions.     

Use of Video Conferencing: It is used to get live and personalized feedback without physical presence.  

Use of Television Conferencing: It is used to get audio inputs from far off places.  

Use of Internet: Internet is being relied upon for information.  

Use of high end Computer Technology: Computing and high speed processors are used for fast and able data processing.  

Use of Mobile Satellite Vans for News Coverage: Satellite vans are used for high mobility and anytime coverage.    

Use of high end Audio visual equipments: Use of high end audio visual equipments have emerged that leads to clear sound and picture. Tape recorders and high end video cameras are used by media persons to take interviews fast and transmit news ina proper and efficient manner.    

Thus these are the characteristics of Modern Media Technology that has made media more fast, accurate and improved and has made it an indispensable tool for protecting the  largest democracy of the world named India by making it more transparent and accountable to people. Hence these are the characteristics of modern media technology.  

Characteristics of Modern Media Technology

Music video by Rihanna performing California King Bed. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group.


Adolescents compare their own image with those of models featured in magazines and that may lead to negative feeling about their body. Teen magazines also focus on the importance of attracting men and being concerned with one's appearance. Studies has shown that people preadolescent and adolescent girls who are frequent readers of fashion magazines are 2 to 3 more likely to diet because of a magazine articles. Cultural background may mediate the ways in which adolescent girls interpret messages in teen magazine. White view teen magazines as a version of reality while African American girls use them as critiques of the ideals represented there.

Media Plus

Body Image And Mass Media

Studies have also shown that Seventeen Magazines have total of 266 numbers of body related articles from 1992 till 2003. There are two overreaching rhetorical visions that structured the body related content presented within t his magazine. First, the making of body image and second is the unmaking of body image. The making of body image is basically representing the body as a problem or a crisis that teens should over come to reach the body of desire "the ideal body image". The desirable body image is smooth, think, tall, strong, young, sexy, healthy skin, no acne and so on. The unmaking of body image is offering suggestions for the "unmaking" of varied body problems or spoiled identity. In this method writers try to advise readers to undertake body management routines or to consume certain body products. At the same time, writers advise girls to stage resistance against dominant female ideals and using cultural message for personal relevance as a way to overcome their body problems.

Body Image And Mass Media

Body Image And Mass Media

Music video by Train performing Drive By. Pre-order California 37 Now: (C) 2012 Sony Music Entertainment.


Media Placement is: "the use of various types of media to establish and promote the products and services for business."

Media Plus

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

For example, this article you are reading right now is media placement. This website hosting this article is communication media and this article is placed in a position to ensure this article is found by people who want the answers it provides - it is typical targeted placement.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Online research provides you with useful information about the purchasing habits of people, which can help you focus on which group of the market to target. This ensures you are getting your business products and services exposed to people who are looking for your services.

If you master the art and science of media placement it gets really exciting when you can control the game and become a "media mogul" (A person who controls various forms of media) When you are a "media mogul" you have more power and arguably more effective results than a traditional marketers do. This is because having specialized knowledge and skill for placing media to promote business gives you a major edge, not just in business but also in your career. Imagine what would happen to your career if you had the ability to market your business for free and get results, what would your boss think?

By becoming a certified media placement guru, there are countless opportunities online to promote other people's businesses and collect commissions - is a literally 'virtual' gold field here!

Some Approaches

When you are in the process of mastering the skill be sure to start small. Learn a few methods that work for you. For example start with something like internet media, or direct mail, or pay-per-click, or co-registration, articles or press releases. Then you can expand your business and the types and amounts of media that you use.

For newcomers, Internet marketing is probably the single fastest, least expensive and low-risk type of media marketing available today.

So all there is to do now is it's your job to learn some of these secrets.

You can learn the skill of media placement from a lot of people (You will find an absolute boat load of people selling courses online to teach you how make money from home.) But not many actually teach media placement specifically, they teach marketing but 'media placement' is truly the next level up.

Remember, once you master one or two key techniques you're in the game - you'll be a sought after "Media Mogul". I want to stress to you how serious this is... when you have the ability to generate customers for businesses in this economic climate business owners PAY people for expertise. Make it you, you be the person they need, become the expert, learn to make other people money and then the financial gains are huge for you as a Media Placement Specialist.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

MCHammer, entertainer and entrepreneur, discusses his thoughts on the impact of social media in marketing. The public session was part of the Stanford GSB ma...


There are many other factors, inspiring souls to under-go the knife, for the addition of this multi-billionaire dollar industry include a preoccupation with a negative body image, body dysmoprhic disorder, and the media's portrayal of beauty, most notably seen in the early 21st Century.

Media Plus

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

For the latter factor a large increase in cosmetic surgery awareness was greatly induced by a television show on MTV known as "I want a Famous Face". Where many individuals apply to the MTV network by sending in videos for a chance to win the opportunity of being featured on the MTV Special. These individuals aspired to have similar aesthetic appeal to such celebrity faces including the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Ricky Martin, and Janet Jackson.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

This reveals that to a large extent for a media pressure for cosmetic surgery. However there is also much social pressure as well. There are those desiring or deciding in plastic surgery between a large variety of options, including those of the buttocks, thighs, facial, nose, and breasts.

The social effect is due to men for a multitude of reasons. More aesthetically pleasing females or women who have had plastic surgery helps them excel in the work force (in the sense they land promotions and earn higher wages... beauty, artificial or natural does not have statistical correlations with work ethic or intelligence) and this has been proven by statistical research.

The following may sound misogynistic but is backed by statistical research. The more work done means more expenditure, many females who have plastic surgery are dependent on men for the finance of their procedures (the cipher in effect here relates to prior paragraph's motif about higher earnings which men is at the root of which).

Also plastic surgery is somewhat of a recurring cycle due to both psychological factors and that of the science of plastic surgery itself.

Psychological factors being that related to new surge in the media dubbed 'cosmetic surgery addiction'. The science of it being is where many procedures require check ups and additional surgeries to maintain a more consistent youthful effect of appearance, such as in procedures like collagen injections, botox and face lifts.

Two revealings in the media of cosmetics, premier episodes of MTV's "I want a Famous Face", (these episodes can be found in the links below under the media page) included individuals seeking to accomplish a similar appearance akin to that of Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra.

Plastic Surgery in the Media Its Effect on Society

Buy the video on iTunes: Download this version of the song free at Buy the actual guitars from this video (all proce...


Media Placement is: "the use of various types of media to establish and promote the products and services for business."

Media Plus

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

For example, this article you are reading right now is media placement. This website hosting this article is communication media and this article is placed in a position to ensure this article is found by people who want the answers it provides - it is typical targeted placement.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

Online research provides you with useful information about the purchasing habits of people, which can help you focus on which group of the market to target. This ensures you are getting your business products and services exposed to people who are looking for your services.

If you master the art and science of media placement it gets really exciting when you can control the game and become a "media mogul" (A person who controls various forms of media) When you are a "media mogul" you have more power and arguably more effective results than a traditional marketers do. This is because having specialized knowledge and skill for placing media to promote business gives you a major edge, not just in business but also in your career. Imagine what would happen to your career if you had the ability to market your business for free and get results, what would your boss think?

By becoming a certified media placement guru, there are countless opportunities online to promote other people's businesses and collect commissions - is a literally 'virtual' gold field here!

Some Approaches

When you are in the process of mastering the skill be sure to start small. Learn a few methods that work for you. For example start with something like internet media, or direct mail, or pay-per-click, or co-registration, articles or press releases. Then you can expand your business and the types and amounts of media that you use.

For newcomers, Internet marketing is probably the single fastest, least expensive and low-risk type of media marketing available today.

So all there is to do now is it's your job to learn some of these secrets.

You can learn the skill of media placement from a lot of people (You will find an absolute boat load of people selling courses online to teach you how make money from home.) But not many actually teach media placement specifically, they teach marketing but 'media placement' is truly the next level up.

Remember, once you master one or two key techniques you're in the game - you'll be a sought after "Media Mogul". I want to stress to you how serious this is... when you have the ability to generate customers for businesses in this economic climate business owners PAY people for expertise. Make it you, you be the person they need, become the expert, learn to make other people money and then the financial gains are huge for you as a Media Placement Specialist.

What is a Media Placement Specialist?

On Monday 28th November Nokia Lumia 800 with Windows phone brought deadmau5 and the world's most advanced 4D technology together and c...
